Saturday, October 11th - 7pm
Second Saturday: Makin' Music
Makin’ Music will lead us in an interactive musical adventure. Makin’ Music’s award-winning original tunes capture the spirit of children while entertaining adults as well. The material includes traditional American folk songs, multi-cultural songs, rhythm chants, echoes, and fingerplays. Every song will have children moving, grooving, wiggling and giggling. For a full schedule of Media's second Saturday events and map of participating businesses, visit http://www.mediaartscouncil.org/.
Sunday, October 19th
3 to 4:30pm
Prince and Princess Party
Come in costume and join friends at LB Toys for a Prince and Princess Party! Songs, stories, and fun. Parents are welcome to bring their cameras.
LB Toys is located on State Street in Media
For more information please visit: http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001o6eEr_Wsc7acmXO-inKnY0pDmIFyxqIfcakbCDspwMve1mDVBBNjorpnjYhO2BXTuPU0wTapDrByJJUtnx-MfJaD93k2ozSMH6VIec5DMA4=.