Villanova University
to Host
to Host

20th Annual
Special Olympics Pennsylvania Fall Festival
November 7 - 9, 2008
Special Olympics Pennsylvania Fall Festival
November 7 - 9, 2008
The 2008 Special Olympics Pennsylvania Fall Festival will be held at Villanova University in Villanova. More than 1,000 athletes and nearly 400 coaches representing 35 counties will participate in this statewide competition.
Competition will begin on Friday, November 7, in bocce, long distance running, roller skating, soccer and volleyball. On Saturday, November 8 competition begins with powerlifting. roller skating, soccer and volleyball will have their final competition on Sunday, November 9. Opening Ceremonies are set for Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. in The Pavilion on campus.
Volunteers from around the state are welcome. Spectators are encouraged to visit any of the competition venues on or near campus and cheer on athletes at Special Olympics Pennsylvania’s second largest event of the year.
For more information:
Location: Villanova University: 800 Lancaster Avenue · Villanova, PA 19085
This event is appropriate for all ages
Cost: free