Tyler Arboretum
Mon, Jan 26, 10am - 11am
Teeny Tiny Trackers: Sweet Gifts from Trees

Learn how sap is made into syrup.
Sugar Maples have been giving us sweet treats for hundreds of years. Come see how maple syrup is made and enjoy a sweet treat. Teeny Tiny Trackers programs are for 3-year-olds. Each program includes an outdoor walk and a story about what we see. Children must be accompanied by an adult; fee is for the child only.
Sugar Maples have been giving us sweet treats for hundreds of years. Come see how maple syrup is made and enjoy a sweet treat. Teeny Tiny Trackers programs are for 3-year-olds. Each program includes an outdoor walk and a story about what we see. Children must be accompanied by an adult; fee is for the child only.
For more information http://www.tylerarboretum.org/
Location: 515 Painter Road Media, PA 19063
This event is appropriate for six of older
Cost: $8 Fee for members $10 Fee for non-members