Saturday March 27th
Saturday, March 27th at 11:30 a.m. - annual Easter Luncheon for the children of Media Borough in the Community Center. There will be food, fun, and games. Come out and join the Easter Bunny for lunch.
Middletown Township Egg Hunt
For Middletown Residents Only (need to bring id)
ages 10 yrs. & under
Saturday, March 27th at 1:00 pm
Indian Lane School
March 27th 40 Bethel Road – P&R Building 11:00 a.m. Easter bunny
Don’t miss out - the egg hunt begins at 11:15 SHARP Rain Date March 28th
Aston Township
The annual Community Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday March 27th at 10am at Aston Township Community Center.
Sunday March 28th
Rutledge Egg Hunt EASTER EGG HUNT!
March 28, 2009
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 29th, 2 pm, at the Triangle Park. The Rain Date will be April 1st.
March 28, 2009
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 29th, 2 pm, at the Triangle Park. The Rain Date will be April 1st.
Sunday March 28th
Spring Egg Hunt - The Recreation and Park Board of Lansdowne will be hosting a Spring Egg Hunt for children 12 and under at Hoffman Park. The egg hunt will begin at 1:00 so we recommend arriving a few minutes beforehand.
Saturday April 3rd
Fellowship Church Egg Hunt @ Garnet Valley H.S.
Saturday, April 3rd (Rain Date - April 10th -- Same Time And Place)
Time: 11:00am
Format: Easter Egg Hunt (for children under one (crawlers) up to fifth grade), free games, moon bounces, and food for the entire family!
Location: Upper Soccer Fields at Garnet Valley High School
There will be moon bounces and games, great food, crazy cool give-a-ways, and lots of candy! The best part is that everything in completely free. Don't bring any money with you...play free, eat free, and win for free!! This event will take place on the upper soccer fields at Garnet Valley High School. Registration will begin at 11:00am. Here is a list of some of the prizes you can win if you find a "LUCKY EGG":Nintendo Wii,Nintendo DS Lite, Xbox 360, SonyPSP,
iPod's,Electric Scooter
Spring Egg Hunt - The Recreation and Park Board of Lansdowne will be hosting a Spring Egg Hunt for children 12 and under at Hoffman Park. The egg hunt will begin at 1:00 so we recommend arriving a few minutes beforehand.
Saturday April 3rd
Fellowship Church Egg Hunt @ Garnet Valley H.S.
Saturday, April 3rd (Rain Date - April 10th -- Same Time And Place)
Time: 11:00am
Format: Easter Egg Hunt (for children under one (crawlers) up to fifth grade), free games, moon bounces, and food for the entire family!
Location: Upper Soccer Fields at Garnet Valley High School
There will be moon bounces and games, great food, crazy cool give-a-ways, and lots of candy! The best part is that everything in completely free. Don't bring any money with you...play free, eat free, and win for free!! This event will take place on the upper soccer fields at Garnet Valley High School. Registration will begin at 11:00am. Here is a list of some of the prizes you can win if you find a "LUCKY EGG":Nintendo Wii,Nintendo DS Lite, Xbox 360, SonyPSP,
iPod's,Electric Scooter