at Area 13 at Ridley Creek State Park
Saturday June 27, 7pm-Sunday June 28, 10AM
Join thousands of campers across the country for National Wildlife Federation's Fifth Annual Great American Backyard Campout. Remember when you were a child and sleeping under the stars and sharing stories around the campfire were favorite pastimes? Celebrate these summertime traditions again and make new friends.
We'll snack on S'mores, hot chocolate and gaze at the blanket of stars or clouds as the case might be. We will learn about nature at night and take a hike. The focus of this program is to reattach with nature, so turn off your TVs, iPods, Play Stations, computers, and cell phones and experience a night outside.
Sleeping over is recommended, but not required. Persons not staying overnight and children under 8 must leave the park by 10 pm. $5 per person camping. $2 per person not camping.
Everyone should bring a blanket they can lay on, a folding lawn chair, water bottle, reliable flash light/lantern per person, mug, marshmallow roasting stick, sturdy hiking boots and dress for the weather. Bring your own food if you have dietary restrictions.
In addition, campers should bring personal items and camping gear, (some tents/binoculars will be available for loan with a reservation).
Participants should be able to hike 1-1.5 miles on rugged, possibly slippery trails. A continental breakfast will be provided.
Registration is required- call 610-892-3908 or email ra-nrspridlenved@state.pa.us.
This event will cancel in the event of rain, lightening or high winds. Please call 610-892-3908 and listen to message regarding cancellation if bad weather is predicted. Persons with financial hardships may attend at no cost.
Need help preparing for the campout? Check out The National Wildlife Federation's website