May 16, 2009
1pm - 5pm

Ducks will be dropped around 4:30pm Governor Printz Park 101 Taylor Avenue Essington, PA 19029 ntbf is organizing a Duck Derby on May 16, 2009 as part of Delaware County Older American’s Month celebration. The Duck Derby and its related functions (a kick-off silent auction, duck adoptions, etc.) will act as ntbf’s primary fund raising activity for 2009. Individuals, organizations, companies and groups will be able to “adopt” a bright yellow rubber duck for $5 each. All adopted ducks will be tagged and dropped into the Delaware River at Governor Printz Park in Essington. Each derby duck will then race towards the finish line with a winning number attached to it. As a specified number of “adopted” ducks cross the finish line, they will be cross-referenced on a master list to their lucky “parents.” Prizes will be awarded to the winning ducks. In addition to the Duck Derby, ntbf will coordinate a day of family activities in Governor Printz Park on the day of the Derby.
For more information:
Location: Governor Printz Park 101 Taylor Avenue Essington, PA 19029
This event is appropriate for the whole family
Cost: free to attend -$5 for 1 duck
Location: Governor Printz Park 101 Taylor Avenue Essington, PA 19029
This event is appropriate for the whole family
Cost: free to attend -$5 for 1 duck