Free "Pack Pals" for Backpacks Each backpack purchased through any Lands' End shopping channel (landsend.com, a call to the Lands' End 800 number: 800.800.5800 or at a Lands' End Shop at Sears) from August 8 through August 22, 2009, will contain a Pack Pal. What's a Pack Pal? It's a cool surprise that clips onto a backpack allowing kids to embellish and add character to their packs. Each Saturday from August 8 through September 12, kids can visit any Lands' End Shop at Sears to collect all six Pack Pals. During those six Saturdays, each Pack Pal is free of charge and no purchase is necessary. A complete list of all 200-plus Lands' End Shops at Sears can be found at www.landsend.com/shops.
Land's End has also launched a new kids' backpack fantasyland called Packland. Packland lets kids choose between four different environments, such as a jungle, ocean, fantasy world or a spy lab where they can create their own virtual backpack. Let your kids try out this new virtual fantasy backpack adventure at www.landsend.com/packland. We've already created one to eat homework!
Thanks to Savvy Mom Finds.