On Thursday, December 17
"Snowflake, Snowflurry"
@ 10:30 a.m.
Jack Frost is back in town and with him he’s brought the wonder of winter! Let’s learn about the uniqueness of snowflakes and create a winter wonderland of our own!
The Springfield Mall Giggle Gang is an interactive club for parents and kids between the ages of one and five that teaches important lessons relating to the environment and the surrounding community in a fun, interactive way. The club meets the first and third Thursday of every month at Springfield Mall at 10:30 a.m. and is FREE for members of the Springfield Mall Shoppers Club. The Shoppers Club is a community of smart shoppers receiving exclusive benefits when shopping at Springfield Mall. For more information, contact Springfield Mall Customer Service at ext. 0
For more information: http://www.springfieldmall.com/
Location: Springfield Mall-Baltimore Pike Springfield
This event is appropriate for the whole family
Cost: free
This event is appropriate for the whole family
Cost: free