If your looking for a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy, why not take them bowling. Some parents think it might be hard for little ones, but at MacDade Bowl they have solved the problem so the little ones can have fun too. MacDade Bowl just got Dragon Bowl Ramps which now makes it easy for kids 6 and under to bowl and with the bumper gutters up the ball makes it down the lane every time and no more gutter balls. The use of the ramps is absolutely free.
For more information: www.macdadebowl.com
Location: 2105 MacDade Blvd. Holmes, PA 19043
This event is appropriate for ages 2 and older
Cost: Weekday Daytime Rates: $5 for 2 games of bowling
and rental shoes or $2.25 per game
Weekday Night Time Rates: $7.00 for 2 games of bowling
and shoes or $3.25 a game