If your looking for fun indoor activities to beat the heat the Radnor Public Library has 2 fun events this week!
Tuesday, July 27, 7 p.m @ Radnor Memorial Library, 114 W. Wayne Ave, Wayne PA 19087. Makin' Music Rockin' Rhythms. A Music and Movement class for preschoolers and 1st graders. No registration required. For more information call, 610-687-1124 ext 41. Suggested donation: $2 per person. www.radnorlibrarykidzone.blogspot.com
Thursday, July 29, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m @ Radnor Memorial Library, 114 W. Wayne Ave, Wayne PA. Junk Art Do you have old board games with missing pieces? Are you missing a few playing cards from a deck? Don't throw them out! Learn how to re-create these materials into usable things! Open to grades 6 and up. Registration required. For more information call, 610-687-1124 ext 42. Suggested donation: $2 per person. www.radnorlibrary.org