Fun Things Top 10 Weekend Events for February 17th, 18th & 20th

Our top 10 picks for this weekend February 17th,18th & 20th


1. Spend some time dancing with you little ones at the Family Dance in Media


2. Head to Tyler Arboretum to  explore the world  of owls on a family Owl Prowl

3. Get your tickets to see Professor Freeze's Winter Magic Show at the Creative Living Room

4. Head to the Hagley Museum in Delaware and admission is only $1 

5. Get rid of your cabin fever with $15 admission to the Adventure Aquarium all weekend long.

6. Make a tote at Michaels Craft Stores 

7. Last weekend to see Snow Queen at the Little Theater

8.  Take a field trip to the Franklin Institute and check out the special events for Presidents Weekend 


9.  Check out the Paleopalooza festival at the Academy of Natural Sciences

10. Free Sunday mornings at Brandywine River Museum

* Check out our calendar for more ideas.