Rainforest Adventure at Delaware Museum of Natural History

 Explore Rainforest Adventure on display at the Delaware Museum of Natural History October 6, 2012 to January 6, 2013.
Rainforest Adventure is a multisensory expedition that introduces visitors to tropical rainforests around the world, highlights the challenges facing these unique ecological wonders, and suggests ways that you can make a difference.

This eye-opening exhibit features over 40 interactive components, two computer games, a distance learning kiosk, and plenty of expedition props - vests, flashlights, binoculars, and more! Visitors can discover plant and animal life in different layers of the rainforest, become a scientist, climb through the rainforest canopy, or explore a gorilla nest.


* Become a research assistant through assignments, costumes and props
* Take a closer look at plant and material slides through an oversized microscope
* Climb a kapok tree that's 9 feet tall
* Climb through a tree log to discover animals that make their homes there.
* Discover products that come from tropical rainforests
* Visit children around the world and learn how their families help protect the rainforests
* Learn about what you can do to help protect rainforests around the world.

In conjunction with Rainforest Adventure, the Museum is proud to present two complimentary displays. In the Hall of Minerals, visitors can learn how tropical and temperate rainforests around the world are being protected through the efforts of The Nature Conservancy, one of the leading conservation organizations on the planet. And, along the hallway leading to Rainforest Adventure, visitors will marvel at an installation of stained glass that vividly depicts a tropical rainforest scene. Artist Rob Horan created these works of art specifically for display at the Museum and used specimens from the Museum's vast collections for inspiration and biological accuracy.

WHERE: Delaware Museum of Natural History, 4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807
DATES: October 6, 2012 - January 6, 2013
HOURS: Monday-Saturday 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 12-4:30 p.m.
ADMISSION: $9 for adults, $7 for children (3-17), $8 for seniors, FREE for children 2 and younger. FREE for museum members.
MORE INFO: Visit www.delmnh.org or call (302) 658-9111
