DCM Summer Kickoff Party
Friday, June 21st
at 5pm
The Delaware Children’s Museum (DCM) kicks off its summer season on the first official day of summer with the “DCM Summer Kickoff,” a three-hour indoor/outdoor event starting at 5pm on Friday, June 21.
With the Museum open late ‘til 8pm, the party will spill out onto the streets outside, with special events that include a gymnastics performance by Olympiad Gymnastics, a collaborative chalk drawing on the streets and sidewalks outside the Museum, a giant bubble area, face painting, a dance party, food trucks, and more.
But the highlight of the party will be the kiddie pool full of Ooblek, a singular substance that’s well known to regular DCM guests — though usually seen in much smaller quantities. A mixture of cornstarch and water forms the Ooblek, a non-Newtonian fluid that’s just solid enough for kids (and adults) to run across — if they go quickly! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to run across the surface of water.
Tickets to the “DCM Summer Kickoff” are $5 per person and include unlimited access to the Museum and all outdoor activities from 5-8pm on June 21.
And continuing every Friday night this summer, the Museum will feature special extended hours, unique programming, and discounted pricing for guests visiting after 5pm. The “$5 Fridays After5pm” series starts on June 21 and runs every Friday night through the summer. Museum hours on these summer Friday nights will be 9am–8pm, with admission starting at just $5 per person after5pm.
For more information: http://www.
Location: 550 Justison St, Wilmington, DE 19801
This event is appropriate for: the whole family
Cost: $5